Sunday, December 25, 2005

Searching for the Promised Land

Here in Los Angeles. I fly out of LAX tomorrow at 10pm to head back to JFK. It is very hard to believe that the tour is over save one last action tomorrow. We will find the Promised Land. Right now that is all I can tell you. We sang on Hermosa beach yesterday and visited four malls - today we walked down the strip of Santa Monica and sang to save the souls of last minute xmas shoppers visiting one of the 2 Starbucks on the two block long shopping area. It was a pretty nice place though - lots of public performance and in fact we got involved in one of the performances - the whole choir got down for a good 10 minutes and we sang along with some of the songs too. Lots of fun, although for the most part the shoppers were mostly taken aback, though a few got involved.
After that we went to Continental Burger, an Armenian restaurant that the choir first went to 2 years ago at the beginning of our first tour. It is a great place, though we went in the mid afternoon and there were no belly dancers this time! But we got an even better gift - Rob, our director, and the guy most badly injured in the bus accident, is back!!! That's right, everyone has made a complete recovery as of this point and Rob is even back behind the camera now. Nothing can keep that guy down. It was very emotional for all of us and particularly for me. One of the first things I remember seeing after the accident was Rob, pinned behind the table that we were both sitting at, his face contorted with pain and him taking short, quick gasping breaths. I had to just look at his face as much as possible to replace this image with his now completely healthful visage. I think we were all reminded of just how lucky we were that the accident was as minor as it was.
Well, time to go to sleep, the search for the promised land will not be easy and I need all the strength I can get! I will try to make a final post tomorrow afternoon. But, as usual, check out the Fred Askew web site (see the first post) for new pictures, including lots from Vegas.


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