Sunday, December 18, 2005

Dallas Show

We just got back to the hotel from a show at the Black Forest Theater in South Dallas (the theater was founded by Erica Badu). The Black Forest is one of these old old theaters that was built in the 50's but has been through many iterations and renovations, most recently being turned into a club/theater/community center to serve the struggling community that it is in.

Well the show was fabulous Billy was totally on with his sermonizing and the choir was super psyched up 'cause this was our first theater show in many days and the space was really magic. It was really set up for concerts, not theater - in front of the stage was a pit and there were no seats anywhere. So we pulled in some sofas and other furniture to the pit and half the audience sat on these and half stood in the 'par terre'. We performed two new songs, 'Convenience' and 'What Would Jesus Buy', both of which went reasonably well. I fainted during one of James' solos and there was also a scene where we brought in one of the choir memebers, Quilty, onto to stage in a cofin. It was heavy, and, during rehearsal, Morgan said, "Where's that rock star Ben, he needs to be at the head of the cofin." Oh boy, I don't know if it is good to be a rock star in a gospel choir, but I definitely felt flattered.

OK, well before I let my ego get too inflated, I better go to sleep. We've got a 5am call tomorrow, headed to Lubbock TX where we will be performing an afternoon tent revival. Yee Haw! Please pray to the God Goddess Mystery Thing for us, we're gonna need all the help we can get! OK OK, keep an open mind, keep an open mind.


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